Key Changes:
During the height of COVID-19 pandemic ammended requirements for ARCP were introduced. These requirements have now been superseeded, however some may still apply to trainees who were in training at that time.
A summary of current requirements is given below:



Mini-CEX/COTs all types*
4 CbD
4 CbD
1 (min. 5 clinical 5 non clinical)
1 (min. 5 clinical 5 non clinical)
2 (1 MSF 5&5 resps, 1
Leadership MSF)
1 per posta
1 per posta
1 per posta
Ongoing: some appropriate to post
Ongoing: some appropriate to post
In 3 years
5 intimate + a range of non intimateb
Learning logs
36 Case reviewsc
36 Case reviewsc
36 Case reviewsc
Placement planning meeting
1 per post
1 per post
1 per post
1 (in GP)
1 (in GP) – if not done in ST1
Quality improvement
All trainees must demonstrate involvement in Quality Improvement each training yeard
Significant event
Only completed if reaches GMC threshold of potential or actual serious harm to patients-any Fitness to practise issues should be considered and commented upon
Learning event analysis
Leadership activity
Interim ESR
Safeguarding adults level 3
Certificate and reflective log entry f
Certificate, annual knowledge update and reflective log entry f
Certificate, annual knowledge update and reflective log entry f
Safeguarding children level 3
Certificate and reflective log entry f
Certificate, annual knowledge update and reflective log entry f
Certificate, annual knowledge update and reflective log entry f
Annual evidence of competence in CPR and AEDg
Annual evidence of competence in CPR and AEDg
Annual evidence of competence in CPR and AEDg
Form R
In log h
In log h
In log h
Covid declaration
In logh
In logh
In logh
(Action plans and
PDP combined)
3 proposed in each review related to capabilities and one not related. At least one of each type achieved in each year.
3 proposed in each review related to capabilities and one not related. At least one of each type achieved in each year.
3 proposed in each review, including final, related to capabilities and one not related. At least one of each type achieved in each year.
Any requirements of last ARCP
Check met if previous any outstanding
Check met any outstanding
Check met any outstanding
* COT of all types to be completed over the training time including audio, remote and face to face i.e. patient is in the same room as the trainee.
- CSR to be completed in a primary care post if any of the following apply: The clinical supervisor in practice is a different person from the educational supervisor. The evidence in the Portfolio does not give a full enough picture of the trainee and information in the CSR would provide this missing information, and either the trainee or supervisor feel it is appropriate.
- 5 Intimates need to be observed and include rectal, breast, female genital including bimanual, male genital and prostate A range of other non intimate CEPS relevant to General Practice is also required.
- CCR The trainee should have more than one log entry which addresses each capability in each 6-month review period. Therefore a range of logs should be completed, not only clinical case reviews, in order to capture capabilities such as organisation, management and leadership, ethics, and fitness to practice.
- QIA is required in every training year (QIP counts in ST1/2 when in primary care). Please see RCGP website for further details of what counts as a QIA. Please note a LEA, reflection on feedback and leadership project does not count as the mandatory QIA
- The interim ESR review can be completed at the mid point of each year only if the trainee is progressing satisfactorily. If there are any concerns about the trainees performance or they have had an unsatisfactory/developmental outcome in their previous ARCP then the full ESR will be required.
- If a trainee does not have a placement within a specific training year that includes children, then it is not mandatory (but still recommended) to record and document their learning on Child safeguarding. Level 3 safeguarding certificates lasts 3 years but a knowledge update is needed in addition in each calendar year (even if LTFT) if not completing the full level 3 in that calendar year. Demonstration of the application of knowledge should be presented in the portfolio using a CCR in each training year (ST1/2/3). Certificates should be added to Supporting Documentation and the Compliance Passport and application of knowledge recorded in CCRs.
- Hands-on BLS with AED will be mandatory from August 2022 for all initial and refresher training. Online BLS certificate accepted until then. However, a hands-on update as soon as possible is encouraged even if an update is not due. ALS though lasting for 3-4 years needs to be updated every calendar year with evidence of competence in CPR and AED. Certificates should be added to Supporting Documentation and the Compliance Passport.
- Form R and COVID declaration, if required prior to ARCP panel, should be uploaded to the Compliance Passport.
Assessments- should be spread throughout the training year with roughly half being done in each review period.
Less than Full time trainees are expected to do the same total number in the full training year but pro rata in each review period dependent on their percentage of time training.
Additional information on the most recent WPBA requirement for ARCP can be found on the RCGP website here