
ST1 - Preparing for Training

Resources for ST1 Trainees


Acronyms Explained


AKT - Applied Knowledge Test

ARCP - Annual Review of Competency and Progression

ARCP Outcomes
Outcome 1 - Satisfactory Progress
Outcome 2 - Unsatisfactory Progress
Outcome 4 - Released from the training programme
Outcome 5 - Missing Evidence
Outcome 6 - Successful Completion

CAT - Care Assessment Tool (includes case based discussions, random case reviews, leadership activities, prescribing assessment follow ups, referrals review)

CBD - Case Based Discussion 

CCR - Clinical Case Review - a clinical experience that you have had as part of a case and reflect upon in the eportfolio

CEPS - Clinical Examination and Procedural Skills (a review of your clinical examination and procedural skills e.g. rectal examination, pelvic examination..)

CEX - Clinical Evaluation Exercise - also known as mini CEX

COT - Consultation Observation Tool

CSA - Clinical Skills Assessment

CS - Clinical Supervisor

CSR - Clinical Supervisors Report

ES - Educational Supervisor

ESR - Educational Supervisors Report

LEA - Learning Event Analysis (A form of quality improvement activity - analysis of an event which did not cause harm and from which learning can be drawn)

LTSN- Local Training Support Network

MSF - Multi Source Feedback (collection of feedback on your performance from clinical and non clinical colleagues)

OOH - Out of hours

PSQ - Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire

QIP - Quality Improvement Project (e.g. introducing a template to improve recording of observations used in assessment of chest infection)

SEA - Significant Event Analysis (any unintended or unexpected event which caused harm or could have done.

UUC - Urgent and Unscheduled Care (the treatment of patients with urgent health problems and in out of hours settings)

WBPA - Work Place Based Assessment (the on the job assessment you must complete to demonstrate capability in General Practice prior to completion of training).


Forms Needed in ST1

Pre ARCP form

All trainees need to fill in a declaration form prior to ARCP. This is an online form.
To complete the form use the details sent to you via email before each ARCP.
The official name for this form is Form R

Study Leave form

Instructions on how to apply for study leave, and the form you need to complete can be found here.


Group Messages (How to send and receive)

We use a google group to send messages to Coventry and Warwickshire VTS members.

How to use google group:
For information on how to receive and send messages the google group, go the presentation section in this website and see the presentation titles (Google group and Zoom rules) . You will need to be logged in to be able to view the presentation.




Learning in Hospital Posts

The resources here are to help guide trainees in their hospital posts. They explain the learning opportunities that each speciality can offer that are relevant to your training for general practice. 

Super Condensed Curriculum Guide for Specialities

GP curriculum super condensed guides (

Here is a resource for you to share with your hospital clinical supervisor on how to support GP trainees during their hospital posts.




Learning Logs

Doctors are required to show evidence of continual learning and professional development. In GP training this is done in the e portfolio. Learning logs are the part of the e portfolio where you record your learning experiences.
It is important to keep up to date with your learning log because it is a key part of your assessment as a training doctor. If your learning log is insufficient you will not be able to progress with your training.

To demonstrate evidence of learning your logs must be reflective. Click on the reflective writing menu item for tips on how to make your log entries reflective and examples of reflective logs.

You are advised to enter two learning logs a week one of which should be about a clinical encounter.



Reflective Writing

Reflective writing is about demonstrating what you have learned from your experiences. How will your experiences make you a more effective doctor?There are several established resources to aid reflective writing. These are linked below:




Mandatory Surveys

There are two annual mandatory surveys.
You must complete both otherwise you will recieve an unsatisfactory outcome at your Annual Review of Competency and Progression.

Annual Mandatory Surveys

  1. Job Evaluation Survey Tool (JEST)
  2. GMC survey

You will receive a reminder email about both surveys when they are due to be completed.




Personal Development Plans

Throughout your training you are expected to demonstrate organisation of your learning in your Personal Development Plan (PDP).

A good framework for making PDP entries is to use the 'SMART' model. We strongly recommend you follow this framework.


SMART stands for

  •  S pecific
  •  M easurable
  •  A cheivable
  •  R elevant
  •  T ime bound

Set out clearly what you want to achieve.
Be specific not general (i.e. rather than 'to consult better', 'to improve my ability to clearly explain clinical topics'
The GP curriculum learning outcomes are good examples of specific learning objectives


Make the result measurable
e.g. I will collect patient feedback on my explanation of clinical topics


Set achievable objectives


Try to ensure the topic is relevant to your training as a GP
e.g. How to prescribe palliative care medication = Good,  Specialist application of gene therapy = not so good

Time bound

Set a completion date

You can add learning logs to your PDP inside the eportfolio. First share your learning log. Then click on the send to PDP link.




Study Guides



Fourteen Fish provide educational packages for the AKT

PassMedicine provide a bank of AKT style questions

How to Read a Paper (Statistics for the AKT) - Trisha Greenhalgh

MRCGP Evidence based medicine guide - RCGP published document for trainees on statistics and clinical evidence, and data interpretation

Various text books exist for AKT but beware those that have become our of date, check publication dates.


There are various study aids available each with their strengths and weaknesses. The following guides have been recommended by our trainees.

The complete CSA Casebook: 110 Role Plays and a Comprehensive Curriculum Guide by Emily Bount, Helen Kirby-Blount and Liz Moulton

CSA Cases Workbook for the MRCGP by Ellen Welch

Physical examination features in the CSA and RCA and is a weakness for many. There is now a study aid available called mymrcgp physical examiantion for the CSA. The guidance and walkthrough videos within help you to gain a better understanding of the approach to physical examination necessary to meet the examination standard. The contents are based on the consensus opinion of 293 GP trainers and 16 CSA examiners for a series of typical CSA scenarios and is authored by two of our TPDs.

mymrcgp Physical Examination for the CSA by Nicholas Boeckx and John Marlow

Fourteen Fish provide educational packages for the CSA






Support for Trainees

There are various ways in which trainees can access support.

As TPD's we try to be approachable. We all want you to thrive during your time in our training scheme. If you feel from time to time that you are not thriving then you won't be alone. Many trainees come in to difficulty due to pressures both inside work and outside. 

To help those going through a period of difficulty we have network of support.

You can speak to:

If your problem relates to your hospital posts and you are unable to resolve it internally you may want to ask for help from the TPD who acts  as a Liason for the trust. The hospital liasons are listed here.

Warwick Hospital - Emma Smethurst
University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire - Nicholas Boeckx
George Elliot Hospital - Inderjit Karir
Requiring support is not a reflection of your competency, it is a reflection of your humanity.

 We all need support from time to time. Please let us know so we can take action to help. The sooner we know the sooner we can action to support you. Some of our most proficient trainees have had support from time to time so don't feel stigmatised.

Best Wishes

Coventry and Warwick TPDs



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