
Introductory module

Aimed at ST1, this module includes an introductory day, overview of the curriculum, the portfolio, the annual assessment and advices on how to master your training



           Visit introductory module page                                                          

GP basics module

This module is designed to cover clinical experience groups of the RCGP curriculum for GP training.

               Visit GP basics module page

AKT module

Supporting trainees in their ST2 and ST3 years with the AKT exam, this module includes discussing exam techniques, highlighting areas for improvement and conducting mock exams.

                           Visit AKT module page

SCA module

previous ST3 trainees found this module extremely helpful in supporting them with the TCA exam.

It includes discussing exam techniques, hihlighting areas for improvement and conducting mock exams

               Visit SCA module page

MSK and more module

The aim of this module is to help you master your physical examination and other clinical skills including but not restricting to Musculoskeletal system

            Visit MSK module page

CCT and Beyond module

This module is to arm you with the tools to practice as independent GP post CCT.

          Visit CCT and Beyond page

IMG module

This module is made up of face to face workshops targeting trainees who obtained their medical degree outside the UK. The contents of the workshops are based at the IMG toolkit which you can access on this website if you use your log in.

                         Visit IMG module page / Toolkit

Virtual VTS

These are various clinical and non-clinical topics led by TPDs, external speaker or trainees. If you are allocated for a virtual VTS, it will be at the same time as other modules: Thursday at 09:30 via MS Teams. You are expected to keep your cameras on throuought the teaching.


; Visit VTS Virtual Session Presentation Page


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