Plan of the ePortfolio

Plan of the e-Portfolio

Education Log

Learning Log Entries
Clinical encounters, tutorials, reading, lectures, seminars, professional conversations and more.

Personal Development Plan
A dynamic record of training needs


Progress to Certification
Information on CCT, chart summarizing progress, declarations and more.

Applied Knowledge Test (AKT)
Information on AKT, how to book a test and record of result.

Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA)
Information on CSA, online application and record of result.

Workplace-based Assessment (WPBA)
Information on WPBA, professional competencies, DOPS, CbD, MSF, PSQ, CSR, mini-CEX, COT.

6 month, 12m, 18m, 24m, 30m and final review, Deanery Panel Reviews.

Skills Log
Record of skills.


‘Being a GP’ linked to RCGP curriculum.

RCGP resources, ITI, external resources, e-learning links, podcasts and library resources.

National and local courses from RCGP.

Personal Library
Record of literature and sources used, including search facility.

Mail Box

SMS, Email and reminders

How the tools work
Each tool, be it COT, CbD or mini-CEX, is a device for gathering evidence.

This evidence is collected by the trainee in their portfolio, and at the 6 month reviews conducted by the educational supervisor, is used to inform decision made about the trainee’sprogress.

It is important then to note that there is no pass/fail standard to any of these workplace-based assessments. The tools simply serve to harvest information and provide the supervisor with material for feedback, identification of learning needs and possible recommendations for change for the trainee.

Across the 12 professional competence areas in workplace-based assessment, progression towards expertise is described in terms of insufficient evidence, needs further development, competent and excellent. The competent level reflects the standard for independent practice. By the end of the training period, a level of competent is expected across all of the areas and it is entirely likely that some trainees in ST1 and ST2 will have developmental needs within some areas and conversely, may achieve excellence in others.

A minimum amount of evidence to be collected prior to each review has been advised, but it is perfectly acceptable, and indeed expected, for more assessments to be performed, or evidence recorded, in order to build up a richer picture of the trainee.

Collecting Evidence
In order for the trainer or educational supervisor to be in a position to monitor the progress of their GP trainee in the twelve professional competence areas, information relating to their performance needs to be collected throughout the training period using these tools:

Case-based Discussion (CbD)
Minimums of 6 in ST1, 6 in ST2 and 12 in ST3

Consultation Observation (COT) in primary care
or Mini-CEX in secondary care
Minimums of 6 in ST1, 6 in ST2 and 12 in ST3

Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
Until mandatory section of log complete
Evidence recorded through direct observation of the trainee by the trainer in primary care and Clinical Supervisors’ Reports (CSR) when in secondary care.

Multi-Source Feedback (MSF)
Two cycles in both ST1 (clinicians only) and ST3 (clinicians and non-clinicians)

Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ)
One cycle in ST1 or ST2, when in primary care, and one in ST3

Results for the MSF and PSQ will be entered on-line with results appearing later in the e-Portfolio. The other tools will be completed by the trainer, clinical or educational supervisor and will contribute to the e-Portfolio which is then used, in its totality, to support judgments made at the interim and final reviews.

Each tool (form) once completed will be filed in the e-Portfolio. It will be automatically tagged under the appropriate competence area headings so that the results and free text comments are brought up during the interim and final reviews. In addition, the trainer or supervisor will also have the opportunity to file items under a content heading as well.
Professional Competence Areas for Workplace-Based Assessment
WPBA addresses the majority of the curriculum, assessing those parts that are best tested in the workplace. Twelve areas of professional competence have been extracted from the core curriculum statement ‘Being a General Practitioner’. Detailed descriptors of each of the competence areas show the level of achievement required.

Communication and Consultation Skills
Communication with patients and the use of recognised consultation techniques.

Practising Holistically
The ability to operate in physical, psychological, socio-economic and cultural dimensions, taking into account feelings as well as thoughts.

Data Gathering and Interpretation
Gathering and use of data for clinical judgement, the choice of examination and investigations, and their interpretation.

Making a Diagnosis/Making Decisions
A conscious, structured approach to decision-making.

Clinical Management
The recognition and management of common medical conditions.

Managing Medical Complexity
Aspects of care beyond managing straightforward problems, including the management of co-morbidity, uncertainty and risk, and the approach to health rather than just illness.

Primary Care Administration and Information Management and Technology
The appropriate use of primary care administration systems, effective record keeping and information technology for the benefit of patient care.

Working with Colleagues and in Teams
Working effectively with other professionals to ensure patient care, including the sharing of information with colleagues.

Community Orientation
The management of the health and social care of the practice population and local community.

Maintaining Performance, Learning and Teaching
Maintaining the performance and effective continuing professional development of oneself and others.

Maintaining an Ethical Approach to Practise
Practising ethically with integrity and respect for diversity.

Fitness to Practise
The doctor’s awareness of how their own performance, conduct or health, or that of others, might put patients at risk and the action taken to protect patients.

Developing people for health and healthcare