The evidence for WPBA will be recorded in a web-based eportfolio. The eportfolio is much more than an electronic record of specialist training, updated and accessible through the internet, it records details of achievement in the Applied Knowledge Test and Clinical Skills Assessment, and documents all stages of training, records evidence of WPBA, reviews with educational supervisors and the subsequent development as a General Practitioner.
A record of personal development and experience is becoming mandatory for all doctors. It provides evidence that training has taken place and allows the GP trainee to reflect on a range of learning opportunities. The WPBA is defined as the evaluation of a doctor’s progress in their performance over time, in those areas of professional practice best tested in the workplace.
Workplace-based assessment brings together teaching, learning and assessment. Trainees will know what is expected of them and will have the opportunity to demonstrate attainment over time in a variety of contexts. The assessment recorded in the ePortfolio will be drawn from performance and evaluation taking place in the real situations in which doctors work. It also allows competency in areas such as team-working to be appraised in a manner which cannot be done by the AKT and the CSA.
Many tools will be completed on-line without the contributor having to enter the ePortfolio. Writing to many parts of the ePortfolio will be limited to the trainer or educational supervisor. The personal section of the ePortfolio will be hidden to all except the GP trainee.
The AKT and CSA must be passed before the ePortfolio can be signed off as a complete record of GP training and a recommendation of certification (CCT), inclusion in the General Medical Council’s GP Register and applying for
membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners.