
Foundation Year 2

 This is a great opportunity to experience general practice, seeing patients alone, learning about prescribing, chronic disease management and getting involved in the primary healthcare team. 

The vast majority of FY2 really enjoy their time in general practice, away from the hospital setting & we hope you enjoy your experience too! 

If you have any further questions, then please get in touch with our FY2 TPD Coordinator, 

In the West Midlands 55% of the Foundation year 2 cohort will experience General Practice as one of their 3 posts.  This gives an opportunity to experience and learn the foundation skills in general practice as gives experience and direction to future career choices.

The employer

Foundation Year 2 doctors have a single employer for the whole of this year. This will is the host acute trust i.e., they will be employed by the acute trust during their four months in General Practice.

During their time in General Practice the Foundation Year 2 Doctor will not receive banding.  Their salary will be paid at a basic Foundation Year 2 Doctor rate.

Employment checks will be done by the acute trust so the Primary Care Trust will not need to repeat this. The host trust will remain responsible for payroll, pre-employment checks and other HR issues.

Medical indemnity

Medical indemnity cover will be at a base level. This means that they are covered by Crown indemnity care of the employing trust.  Foundation doctors can elect to take out personal cover with a defence organisation at a minimal cost but this is not essential.

Travel Claims

The base and responsibilities for travel purposes will be the host hospital trust. Doctors who cannot drive or car share will be placed as close to their host trust as possible. All claims should be submitted to the employer.

Trainers Grant

While the Foundation Year 2 Doctor is working and learning in General Practice the training practice will be paid an allowance equivalent to the trainers’ grant. This will be paid via the Deanery.  The grant is paid by the PCT to the practice.  An honorary education contract needs to be completed and submitted to the deanery to authorise payment of the grant.  The honorary education contract can be downloaded from this website.

Performers List

Foundation Doctors training in General Practice are exempt from the performers list.

Sickness & Maternity Leave

If a F2 Doctor is absent from work during their attachment in general Practice (e.g. maternity/paternity leave, sickness, etc.) there will be no funding for locum backfill or other costs.


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