All trainees will have an Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) at least once a year to progress to the following year or complete training (CCT).
Every trainee needs to present evidence to a panel of deanery educationalists and a lay person via their e portfolio, that they are learning the skills needed to become a GP. This is done by collecting evidence throughout the year by a mixture of formal assessments such as case based discussions, multi-source feedback and naturally occurring evidence collected via the learning log. You will meet with your educational supervisor every 6 months and they will review your evidence and will make a recommendation regarding your progress to the panel.
For most trainees this will be in June or July. However, some trainees are ‘out of sync’ as they have taken some time out of the programme.
Make sure you attend the deanery introductory day your local vocational training scheme and your educational supervisors will help you through the process There are also plenty of guides to help you including Frequently asked Questions section in the portfolio or alternatively the Friendly Guide to E-portfolio & ARCP
Info - All trainees must have an ARCP at least once a year!
- Trainees returning from long term leave will require review by panel around three months after returning to work.
- You do not need to attend on the day unless you are requested to do so.
There is no automatic alerting system.
If the Educational review has highlighted any concerns, then the educational supervisor should ask for a Panel Review prior to the ARCP. This needs to be formally emailed to